Laser Cut Key / High Security Keys

You might have come across high-security keys, also known as Laser keys, mainly in cars like Honda, Lexus, VW, and others. These keys were designed to level up the security features of transponder keys. Laser-cut keys are uniquely designed, with a slightly thicker shank compared to traditional keys and fewer grooves. These design features influence how the key functions in a locking cylinder. Many laser keys also come with a transponder chip, adding an extra layer of security. Even programming this chip requires the expertise of a professional locksmith. You need a professional because laser-cut keys come with unique grooves, requiring top-notch, commercial-grade key-cutting equipment for precise replacement and an experienced technician for programming.

At Car Key Replacement Phoenix, we deal with these types of keys every day. In many instances, we can help you save a significant amount compared to dealership prices, and because we are a mobile service so with us you save the towing cost. We understand security is the main reason for laser-cut keys, and when these are not working, your security is compromised, and we serve you promptly. That's why our technicians are committed to arriving at the moment equipped to professionally handle all types of High-Security Car Keys from replacements to programming. As we know now, most of these laser-cut keys are manufactured with a transponder chip (a vital component that enhances even more security), which needs professional help for programming.

When you need to call a professional automotive locksmith in Phoenix

If you've forgotten where you placed your key or your laser-cut car keys were stolen, you need a professional who can manufacture new ones. Similarly, when faced with broken laser-cut keys, we approach the situation with precision and care. Taking proactive measures, we delicately extract broken keys from locks to make sure we do not damage the intricate cylinder components. We have a crew of technicians with the latest tools to handle even the toughest situations and smoothly resolve your car key-related issues.

Get in touch for professional car keys (laser cut keys) replacements or programming.

Laser Cut Key Laser Cut Car Key